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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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fight. this is why i love hockey playoff time because it's time to get it on. who has the biggest -- about who is the big dog in the yard, dana. >> dana: yep. >> tyrus: you will appreciate. this taking us all the way back to gladiator days. everyone screams at you. everyone going for face shots. this is why they play the game. right? that's amazing. and if you want to keep the amazing party going. you need to roll down my tyrus live comedy tour in cities all over the country and 10 days away i'm going to be completely sold out my entire tour. >> it is everywhere. >> jesse: where is decatur? >> i ill-noise. >> bret: i want to see that jesse. i think that could be good. >> jesse: thanks, bret. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, fox news has just learned house speaker mike
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johnson will meet with columbia university jewish students tomorrow. he'll also take questions from reporters at columbia university where protests have forced the school to shift to virtual classes. this comes as police on or near college campuses in several cities are preparing for another night of possible confrontation with anti-israel demonstrators, protester encampments are growing in many places across the country. and many people there are resisting police orders to leave new york university students have been participating in the demonstrations in recent days. correspondent steve harrigan is on the scene there tonight. good evening, steve. >> steve: good evening, bret. they have been going at it already for about five hours here at its peak 1500 people. and they don't seem to be going anywhere soon. [chanting free, free palestine. >> from coast to coast. [chanting we will not, we've not rest] >> ivy leagues, large universities and colleges and
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even high schools: pro-palestinian protests are spreading becoming increasingly disruptive. >> we are here to demand that the university divest from weapons corporations and from the israeli occupation. [chanting from the river to the sea] >> students at new york university walked out of class tuesday carrying signs to, quote: resist by any means. >> please leave the plaza now. >> after more than 100 were arrested monday night following a violent scuffle with police. plywood wall was put up by the schools to block the area. as many question who is funding and organizing these protests. >> we can't have outside agitators come in and be disruptive to our city. >> encampments like those seen at columbia university are also forming the uc berkeley, university of michigan, mit, tufts and emerson in the boston area. with classes dislunted and some
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campuses essentially shut down, jewish students tell fox they feel unsafe. >> they have blocked jewish students' access to center parts of campus just because of their religion. >> we are hamas. >> critics of the protest say chants of we are hamas show support for a terrorist organization and its schools must do more. >> >> need to maintain the order and assert their authority and say go to the library if you are students enrolled here and read about what happened in the holocaust. >> columbia calls current plan hybrid education. that means for $66,000 in tuition, you basically get zoom calls. bret, back to you. >> bret: steve harrigan live at nyu. steve, thank you. now to the trump trial. the judge in the criminal trial against former president donald trump heard arguments today about whether the presumptive republican presidential nominee is violating the court's gag
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order. no decision has been made or announced as of yet. but, following that hearing, the prosecution continued to build its case with additional testimony today. for complete wrap-up, correspondent nate foy once again outside the new york supreme court. >> former american media ceo and president david pecker testified today. he made a secret agreement to benefit former president donald trump's 2016 campaign. pecker testified, quote: i would be the eyes and ears, working with trump's former lawyer michael cohen to suppress negative stories about trump and publish negative stories about his opponents. including former president bill clinton and former secretary of state then presidential candidate hillary clinton. trump says this trial is benefiting his current political adversary, president joe biden. >> it's very unfair situation. we're locked up in a courtroom and this guy is out there campaigning. >> pecker testified he and cohen
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identified and suppressed stories from former playboy model karen macdougall and a false story from a trump tower door man. today judge juan merchan reserved his decision about whether or not trump violated the court's gag order by sharing articles online about witnesses in the case. >> names mentioned in the article. and i end up in violation of a gag order. i think it's a disgrace. it's totally unconstitutional. >> trump's lawyer todd blanche claimed the former president's post represented responses from his attacks from opponents. after failing to provide an example, merchan scolded him saying, quote, mr. blanche, you are losing all credibility with the court. >> bret, in the conversation away from the jury today, prosecutor joshua stein glass revealed the crime that manhattan d.a. alvin bragg did not include in his indictment of former president donald trump it's new york law section 17 part 152 in what we can take from it is that trump is accused of falsifying business records
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to aid a conspiracy to win the 2016 presidential election. bret? >> bret: nate foy in new york. nate, thanks. breaking tonight, the release of hundreds of pages of documents relating to former president trump's classified materials case. remember this is down in florida. correspondent david spunt is at the justice department tonight to tell us what we're learning inside. >> former president donald trump allegedly promised a second term pardon, if a close aid was charged with lying to the fbi. that aid now trump's co-defendant in florida -- that accusation made by a trump associate in an interview with the fbi. someone dubbed person 16. who declined to be recorded by agents, insisting that having his voice recorded was a far bigger risk for him in the trump world. newly unclassified documents paint a fuller picture of the unprecedented fbi raid of trump's mar-a-lago estate in august 2022. the investigation we now know
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was dubbed plaza mic echo. the new documents also provide a specific timeline and reveal 30 fbi personnel were on scene entering trump's residence at 8:59 a.m. eastern living at 6:3. >> i personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter. >> according to the documents, attorney general merrick garland escalated the probe into a full blown investigation in march of 2022. five months before the raid. the mysterious person 16 claims he warned trump whatever you have, give everything back. let them come here and get everything. don't give them a noble treason indict you because they will. in june of 2023, special counsel jack smith indicted trump for violating the espionage act accusing the former president of illegally keeping more than 300 highly classified documents and committing obstruction by not returning them as required under federal law. trump has pleaded not guilty. the former president, bret, has
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made the argument that these documents could be considered personal. judge cannon, who he appointed, has declined to drop the case as the former president would like. it's still on the calendar for may 20th to start jury selection, but we expect that date to slide as both sides have indicated they are okay with a delay later this summer. bret. >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. david, thank you. >> unconstitutional by highly conflicted judge that should recuse himself. very simple. this is all biden just in case anybody has any question. >> bret: former president in court today. let's get some analysis now from george washington university law professor jonathan turley. good to see you. >> thanks. >> bret: first on the gag order we haven't heard from the judge yet he will make a ruling at some point. >> he will. look, the former president is in violation of the court order. >> bret: 10 violations. >> pretty clear he violated a gag order. what he has been arguing is that
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the gag order its itself is the problem not knee. he does have reason to say that when it comes to michael cohen. cohen is on the news every night attacking the president not just legally but politically. he will continue to do that after he testifies. and, yet, this order saying you can't really respond to him. i think a lot of people view that as being too broad a scope. and the judge doesn't seem to have any sort of inclination to narrow it. >> bret: i have heard you talk about the legal side of this and how it's cobbled together, the charges and how we hear another kind of avenue that the prosecution is going down. >> right. well, there is the second misdemeanor, nothing one coming out of the new york code that said you illegally conspired to promote your own campaign. and as you sort of work your mind around that, they are saying that because you misidentified these funds and treated them as legal expenses, you were illegally trying to win that campaign.
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once again, most of us looking at this or at least many of us are saying wait, first of all, can you prove all these facts because they are not being contested. all these facts can be proven and there is no crime. you are allowed to have an nda. you are allowed to have your attorney. >> bret: nondisclosure agreement. >> that kind of agreement. it's done all the time. they are trying to zap these dead misdemeanors back into life. and it's left this muddle in the courtroom. i think they are relying on the fact that the jury may not look beyond the identity of the defendant and not really seriously question these linkages. >> bret: and so the prospect of this jury coming to a guilty verdict, we don't know how this is going to lay out. you think that legally it's just not a strong case. politically, does it make a big difference, do you think? >> yeah. that's the real question here. look, i think it's a legally absurd case. i think part of the motivation here is to get this trial before the election occurred. they have succeeded in that i'm just not too sure anyone is
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listening. it's not like this is news to many people. even supporters for trump about these alleged affairs. >> bret: finally, the documents that we had released from judge cannon down in florida, any surprises there, other than, perhaps, he was told numerous times let's give these documents back? >> it's very surprising how small the original request was. over three documents. and you are left and you got advice from his people saying for the love of mike, just turn over the docs. and he had done that, this would not have happened. the pardon offer is surprising. but, once again, that is the testimony of one individual that's going to be tested at this trial. it seems very unlikely this trial is going to occur before the election. >> bret: so you don't think that the judge is going to be pressured to kind of push this forward? jack smith, obviously, the special counsel would like that to happen. >> no. he definitely wants that to happen. that seems to be his overriding priority. just as a criminal defense attorney, i don't see how you get from here to there before the election. there is so much evidence here
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that is still being contested. i think the odds are against it. but, you have a very motivated special counsel doing all he can to make that happen. >> bret: jonathan, as always, thank you. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: strong earnings led to another positive day. i'm over here. on wall street. the dow gained 264, the s&p 500 was up 60, the nasdaq 235. net income plummeted as global sales and price cuts sliced into american vehicle's revenue and profit margins. austin, texas company said it made 1.13 billion from january through march compared to 2.51 billion in a same period a year ago. revenue was down 9% from last year. up next, president biden focuses on abortion rights, an issue he hopes is a big winner for him. state charges are dropped against 150 people accused of
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rioting coming across the u.s.-mexico border. ♪
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♪ ♪ the justice department has reached a $139 million settlement with more than 100 people accused the february of
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grocery fbi of grocery mishandling decision the alleged larry nassar given more time continued to prey on victims. before his arrest. when combined with other settlements a bil billion dollas set aside compensate hundreds of women who said nassar assaulted them under the guise of treatment for sports injuries. is he serving decades in prison. president biden is trying to capitalize on what he believes will be a winning issue for him in november. abortion rights. the president is speaking at reproductive freedom event. a short time ago in tampa, florida, a state he insists he is still in play for him. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has the story live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. last cycle president biden lost florida by more than 3 points. but, as the state supreme court cleared the way for a six week abortion ban, it also teed up a
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ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights into the state's constitution. so, president biden sees florida as ground zero at least for his most winnable issue. >> i think florida is in play nationally take effect in florida. patchwork of restricts across 21 stays back to trump who said should be left up to the state to decide. >> frump was literally taking us back 160 years. it's wrong. the supreme court was wrong. it should be a constitutional right in the federal constitution. a federal right. >> florida's republican governor signed the state's six week abortion ban into law. he is hitting back now. >> he is coming down to try to support a constitutional amendment that will mandated abortion up until the moment of birth. that will eliminate parental consent for minors.
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floridians are not buying what joe biden is selling. >> biden may not win florida. the state's has grown more red since obama won 12 years ago. ♪ but with anti-israel protests rocking college campuses, he may also have to worry about division in his base. biden condemned both anti-semitism and, quote, people who don't understand what is going on with palestinians yesterday. critics painting that as his own charlottesville moment when ironically biden brought up again today. >> asked then president trump what he thought and he said i think there are very fine people on both sides. that's when i decided i had to run, for real. >> president biden has not used any of his prepared remarks to call out anti-semitism on campuses. despite a statement he issued on passover calling on americans to do just that. saying that silence is complicity. andrew baits defended the president saying he made a call to action although that call
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followed four paragraphs on efforts to get a cease-fire and a hostage deal, more aid into gaza and also a two state solution, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn, thank you of thanks. biden administration israel with the worst in the world for human rights. take you to the state department and talk to the chairman of the senate intelligence committee. first, beyond our borders tonight. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich will remain jailed on poje charges until at least late june. a moscow court is rejecting his appeal that sought to end his pre-trial detention. gershkovich was detained in late march of last year while on a reporting trip is denying those spying charges against him. growing concerns in haiti about a shortage of life-saving medication and equipment. brutal gangs are tightening their grip on the capital of port-au-prince and beyond. blocking roads and forcing closure of the main airport and keeping supply containers stuck at the country's largest sea port.
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argentine president melee spending cuts purchasing power as he hopes to bring down rampant inflation. third straight monthly fiscal surplus in march. and this is a live look at rio de janeiro from earth cam. one of the big stories there tonight, thousands of umbrellaians celebrate saint faithfulcrowding inside and outf saint georgeens parish. some of the stories. we'll be right back. ♪ for the number one hit maker. -thanks for swinging by, carl. -no problem. so what are all those for? uh, this lets me adjust the base, add more guitar, maybe some drums. -wow. so many choices. -yeah. like schwab.
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>> bret: the biden administration is israel with regimes in iran, russia,
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afghanistan and sudan on its list of the world's most egregious human rights violators. the state department report comes as u.s. relations with israel are under significant strain over the jewish state's conflict at war with hamas and treatment of palestinian civilians inside gaza. state department correspondent gillian turner has details tonight. >> do we have a double standard? the answer is no. >> gillian: secretary antony blinken roolg rolling out the state department human rights report. defending decision israel's government with some of the deadliest regimes around the world. >> as we are looking at human rights and condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. >> but today an explosive acknowledgment from ambassador david satterfield, president biden's humanitarian envoy to the mideast. he says there is, in fact, a very different standard for israel's conduct. >> we require from israel, because it is the right and moral thing to do a very
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different standard of conduct. the president made clear on his visit to israel shortly after october 7th. it's not just strategically important for him to do this, it's the morally right thing to do. >> the human rights report includes israel on page 1 along with hamas and gaza. the taliban in afghanistan. vladimir putin in russia. and chinese communist carrying out genocide in g we continue to raise concerns surrounding the deaths of and injuries to tens of thousands of palestinian civilians in gaza. equating israel's behavior with hamas perverts the truth. >> israelis didn't start this. hamas started this fight. and we should be supporting them to clean out hamas. and we don't do it. we kind of equivocate. >> well, the state department's condemnation of israel's human rights record yesterday coincided with the first day of a major jewish holiday and
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speaking of egregious human rights violators, bret, secretary blinken right now is on route to china. bret? >> bret: gillian turner live at the state department. gillian, thanks. joining us senate intelligence committee chairman mark warner from virginia. senator, thanks for being here. >> thank you. so this effort to cut off aid to an israeli military unit accused of human rights abuses about benjamin netanyahu posting at a time when our soldiers are fighting the monsters of terror, the intention to impose a sanction on idf is the height of absurdity and a moral no. that's from the prime minister. what are your thoughts? >> well, my thoughts are that israel is a strong ally and we need stand by israel. we're going to do that later tonight when earlier today over 80% of the senate voted in favor of the aid package that includes ukraine, israel, banning tiktok as well or divesting in tiktok. let me be clear. >> we're talk about that. israel is stronger when it has
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allies. remember, just a week ago when in a remarkable show, israel and the united states shot down all the iranian missiles. that was helped because the british, the french, the jordanians, the saudis all signed it -- sided with israel. and maintaining those alliances are more important than ever right now. those alliances are frayed when we see some of the frankly excesses in terms of what happened in gaza with 34,000 people killed. >> we see these protests around the country, columbia university, nyu, yale, it's expanding, a lot of different schools all over the place. how do you read that? i mean, some of these protesters are saying we support hamas. some of them are saying they are pro-october 7th. some of them are pretty anti-semitic. >> absolutely. and i think that's outrageous. people do have a right to protest. that is a first amendment right in this country. but they don't have a right, as we have seen at some of these universities to shut down the
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university. and if you break the law, as we saw at columbia university, you ought to be held accountable. >> bret: do you think that the administration has been strong enough, the president has been strong enough in his words or even his actions? >> i think he has called out anti-semitism. we are in a period of passover right now. now more than ever we need to stand up against anti-semitism. >> be republicans sent letter to the attorney general education secretary cardona saying president biden issued a statement on sunday purporting to condemn the outbreak of anti-semitism, that statement was serious. it must be accompanied by immediate action from your departments, rioting violates federal law. violence or attempted violence against anyone because of their jewish heritage violates federal law. i guess i'm asking should more be done? >> i stand against anti-semitism in any form and i also believe as we have seen on some of these protests when they end up literally shutting down a university, i think those who break the law need to be held accountable.
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>> bret: you mentioned tiktok and it's a part of this bill. it is a divesture from the company, tied to china. bytedance is that fair to say? it's not a banning. >> absolutely. it is not ban. it is saying that an enterprise that literally potentially collects 170 million americans' data and has the potential to influence what you see in a way of foreign interference, i believe is a national security threat. and, it was then president trump in 2019 who first raised this issue. it was right then, i'm not sure he seems to have changed. >> bret: he just sent out a message the other day saying just so everyone knows, especially the young people, crooked joe biden is responsible for banning tiktok. he is the one pushing it to close and doing it to help his friends over at facebook become richer and more dominant. >> bret, you know, you don't hear me often saying donald trump is right. he was right in 2019 to raise the national security concerns.
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nothing has changed in terms of the chinese communist party's ability to influence this very popular social media platform. i believe it is not a ban. it will be divesture. we can have a american company, a french company, a british company. >> bret: just not the ccp. >> just not the ccp. over 80% of the house voted for this divesture. >> bret: knowing what you know it is a serious threat? i tell my kids, kids, really, it is. >> it is a serious threat and as a matter of fact virtually every industrial country in the world has banned at least its government use. and most major news organizations have said to their journalists don't get on tiktok because chances are the chinese communist party and their agents may be surveilling you. that is a national security threat. >> bret: after as we expect president biden to sign this into law. how long do you think that process takes? >> one of the things that were changed from the house version
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was to give this divesture up to a year. this is a complex deal. this is a very valuable piece of property. literally about 40% of the investors are americans. i hope it will roll over to some new controlling entity. and it could actually be those americans who are already invested in tiktok. >> i love having the intel committee folks, especially the chairman on and have you come on a lot. i always end with what's keeping you up at night. >> well, one of the things that's kept me up for a flight long time whether the united states was going to step up and do the right thing and stand by ukraine in terms of pushing back against vladimir putin. i think that, i'm going to rest a little easier. but i worry now six months out from a national election that we could see a level of foreign interference in our election. we have got enough disagreements amongst americans but because people know interference in our foreign elections is cheap by foreign adversaries.
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a lot of americans believe conspiracy theories. and as we talked before on this show, with artificial intelligence tools now, they can bring about the level of deep fake at a scale and speed that's been unprecedented. so i hope at the end of the day, with all our divisions we can make sure that this election is decided by americans and not by foreign influence. and that's one of the things that keeps me up. >> bret: senator, we appreciate your time. >> thank you, brett. >> bret: up next, why state charges are being dropped against almost 150 migrants accused of storming into the u.s. illegally. and, later, the panel on the spreading of the anti-israel protests on college campuses and the former president's trial.
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>> bret: the city of baltimore is suing the owner and manager of the dolly cargo ship that crashed into the francis scott key bridge in march. the company believes the two should be liable for the deadly collapse. the allegations of the disaster is the result of negligence and recklessness. the company has previously filed a petition asking at court to cap their liability. >> a judge in el paso is dropping state charges against dozens of illegal immigrants
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accused of storming the border earlier this month. the group still faces federal charges. correspondent danamarie mic nicole is in el paso tonight. >> the migrant crisis not only playing out on the front lines of the southern border, but also in the justice system, after an el paso judge dropped state rioting charges against 140 migrants accuse of cutting razor wire and storming government fencing on april 12th. the judge said it was due to a lack of evidence that every person charged was involved in the rioting. it comes just weeks after this viral incident, more than 200 migrants were arrested. but another el paso judge order they be released citing the state wasn't ready to proceed on a bond hearing. >> el paso d.a. bill hix responded saying that is untrue. texas was prepared to address each and every case. ice tells us the majority of the migrants involved in the march incident have been turned over to enforcement and removal operations. but former border patrol chief
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victor mounjaro said that's not going to stem the tide. >> these numbers are going to continue because, again there is no consequence at all. >> in el paso el paso numbers continue in high numbers. the fox drone team captured multiple groups of migrants being escorted on to buses by border patrol. cbp sources tell us el paso saw over 1,000 each day over the past four days. >> in fact, go a gate. go to gate 40. and we -- you will be processed, it's safe and orderly. can you imagine how a smuggling organization is selling that. no one crosses for free. >> and i just got off the phone with the el paso d.a. about the april 12th incident. he says he does not agree with the dropped rioting charges. for that reason, he had -- he brought those charges in front of a grand jury today and they decided there was enough evidence of a riot. so this all goes back to the courtroom. bret?
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>> bret: danamarie, thank you. the latest installment in my fox nation documentary series the unauthorized histories is now available on fox nation. it's a five-part look at the history of silicon valley. the programs trace the rising power of today's tech giants. here is an excerpt. >> how did an industry that promised to break down barriers and unleash individual achievement become a powerful political force that some say dominates washington today? >> do you know how much it costs to buy congress? well, big tech does. it was all under the patina of the we came out of the 60's. we are the good people. and we're going to use our new found riches and power, not like our parents did. we're going to do it to make a new, more, i guess, inclusive america. but make no mistake about it, they make silicon valley grandees make rockefeller or
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carnegie or jay gould look like pikers. >> you can now watch all five episodes of the unauthorized history of silicon valley streaming now on fox nation. up next, the panel on anti-israel protests and the second day of testimony in the trial of former president trump. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. mistrial declared in the trial of arizona rancher accused of fatally shooting unarmed migrant on his property on the border. jurors failed to reach a verdict. the county's attorney's office will decide whether to retry kelly or drop the case. fox 17 in nashville as tennessee state house members pass legislation allowing teachers and other school staff to carry concealed handguns on campus. the move comes following earlier approval by the state senate. it happens one year after a former student gunned down three children and three adults at
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christian school in nashville. this is a live look at los angeles from fox 11, our affiliate there. one of the stories there tonight women's golf sensation nellie cord da puts bid for six successive win on the lpga tour on hold. she is withdrawing from this week's tournament at wick sharier country club citing exhaustion. she has won last five events making her one of only three female pros to ever accomplish that feat. sunday's win at the chevron championship was second career major title. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. this is for all you girls about 25 ♪
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anti-semitism. >> bret: well these protests have picked up as you look at a map around the country. top colleges are seeing a lot more protests. anti-israel, sometimes very anti-semitic. we have heard lawmakers weigh in on all sides. where does this go and what does it mean politically? wring in our panel. guy benson political editor. josh homies co-host of the ruthless podcast. former chief of staff to senator mitch mcconnell and leslie marshall, democratic strategist. leslie, mark levin on his show had a compilation of public reports and he tweeted out the dark money democrat billionaires and islamist networks paid for organized. they cited a number of different articles. one of them "the new york post." groups backed behind israel bashing protests backing hamas attacks got 15 million plus from george soros. the open society's foundation records shows soros' grant making network gave 13.7 million
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through the tide center. goes on. and there is a number of different public reports that examine the money that funnels into these organizations. we do see, it is pretty organized. the tents all look the same. and it's expanding. what do you make of that effort and what it means politically for democrats? >> politically, for democrats, look, you know, when you look at michigan, as an example, and you have the very large arab population, that could certainly hurt joe biden because it's going to come down, to you know, five and michigan is one of them. there is a growing of this. here's my problem. i think i'm the only member of the jewish tribe on the panel. i'm married to a muslim. i have sympathy and empathy on both sides of this issue, strongly. and to be anti-israel is one thing. and we have a right as americans to do it. to be pro-palestinian, wanting a cease-fire in gaza concerned about forthcoming famine, that's also covered under our first amendment. to support hamas, a terrorist
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organization, absolutely not. and to be anti-semitic, absolutely not. you can be anti-israel and not be anti-semitic. there are many very prominent jews, jon stewart, just to name one who are not anti-semitic but are anti-israel stance on this issue. politically, i think this actually could hurt the president; however, bret, what the people who are protesting i'm not saying pro-hamas or anti-semitic, those who are pro-palestine, anti-israel, what they forget is the alternative is donald trump. if they stay home it, could be donald trump. if they vote for donald trump it could be donald trump. if they vote for a third party candidate it could be donald trump. that's not going to get them their two state solution. honestly, breaking the law and closing universities isn't going to do that either unless we do end up with a vietnam situation where the protests we had under civil rights. >> bret: just to follow up on that original thing about the funding. here is a former treasury antiterrorism analyst. he is talking about students for justice in palestine. these groups that are popping
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up. >> there's now 200 campuses that have sjp. they use a lot of the same rhetoric. they use a lot of the same devices on campuses, the different means of protest. there is a lot of commonality that we see nationwide. they have been wielded as a student army by this group. and obfuscated money trail to put it mildly but we can see that there are organizers behind all of this. >> bret: guy? >> yeah. some of the hate from these rallies is certainly organic. and that's undeniable and very disturbing. but, the money behind it is, i think, a question that needs to be explored, not just by the government, if there is any particular ties to terrorism, but by some enterprising journalists here and elsewhere follow the money is a mantra in journalism. this is ripe for that. i think that's important to point out. and he was just talking about sjp that organization in the very earliest days after octobed
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even begun its military response, sjp was out there agitating really in favor of hamas, celebrating the attack against innocent israeli civilians and they put on some of their posters distributed by the national group images of paragliders. a clear reference to one of the ways that terrorists infiltrated israeli territory. that is a glorification of mass murder and those are chapters that are all over the country on almost every campus right now that is extremely upsetting. particularly to joshua students who see this happening on their k3uss and enemy cases wonder if administration actually have their back. >> bret: it's interesting, josh. they had to change their chants it was we apt cease-fire. hamas turned down the last two cease-fire negotiations. now it's not cease-fire they want basically hamas to win. >> it's pro-hamas. there is nobody out there that is chanting two state solution. that's not what's happening here. i mean, look, the cold reality
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is that hamas has a constituency within the progressive left in this country. and it is a constituency even more -- i'm not saying that to be provocative, it's a fact. but it's a constituency even more sadly i think the biden administration has concluded they can't win a national election without # part of the reason joe biden i also condemn anti-semitism and don't constituency out in front of all of us. this is a progressive democratic voting base which is a scary proposition. >> bret: leslie, are you worried about chicago, the dnc? could it be 1968 all over again? >> leslie: look, i'm honest, you guys know that yeah, there is a concern. my concern for there should be no violence.
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what is effective voting. two state solution trying to head off the famine, then you are barking up the wrong tree and your protests aren't going to lead to your goal. >> bret: right. obviously republicans see a political vulnerability here for democrats. i have speaker johnson going to columbia tomorrow to talk to students, hold a press conference. on the flip side you have president biden in florida talking 'abortion. something they sees a a major vulnerability for republicans. i mean, that's what we are setting up here for the next six months. >> biden would much rather talk about abortion through the framing that he wants to use, which is often, i think, a distortion than this issue because when someone asks the question yesterday about the anti-semitic protests on college campuses, instantly we got this both sides is -- i thought was just morally repulsive, frankly,
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coming from the president and another reporter jumped in to ask him about abortion. his favorite subject and he was sort of nasty to that reporter who was throwing him a lifeline which was a bit odd. yeah, this is definitely sort of the shape up for the upcoming election. democrats are going to try to focus as much as they can on the flawing of donald trump and abortion and republicans clearly have a lot of other targets to talk about politically. >> bret: 10 seconds. how much does the trump trial dominate or trials dominate this political conversation. >> i think it dominates the political conversation. i think it has not even a little bit of impact on the american electorate at this point. i think that's showing up in poll after poll. people are focused on their own stuff and what you can do as president and rather than what this sort of charade going on in the courtroom. >> bret: we will see. we will follow it all. panel, thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: all right. time for "tuesday xtras." first up, d.m. simon asked did you ever think you would see
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this level of polarization in the u.s.? you know it is polarized. if you check out my x feed, it can be a dark place from time to time. but, we look at history and i look at history a lot. we have been in some really dark places for our country and managed to pull through. so there is hope. next up, cynthia wonders it seems that in the u.s. and abroad there is turmoil would china now make a move on taiwan before the elections? if so what significant role would or could the u.s. play? it's a great question. most of the experts say say it's a couple years away them to kind of make that kind of mo. china is in a tougher spot economically. i have enjoyed reading your history books what topic are you going to tackle next? i can't tell you there is a surprise. there assault books. check them out. favor, balanced and unafraid of the ingraham angle is next. ♪ ♪ hour lawyer hi, everyone i'm laura ingraham.